CTSI Code of Conduct
We are very much looking forward to welcoming you once again to the CTSI Annual Conference.
Our annual conference is a great opportunity for everyone to come together, learn from our speakers, and to network. As members and partners of CTSI and attendees, you represent the profession that we all love so much, and as such we want everyone to feel respected, safe and included.
By attending you are agreeing to adhere to our Code of Conduct at all times. We expect that you will be respectful and kind to others, regardless of race, religion, gender, age, orientation, disability, appearance, and size. You also pledge to speak up, or speak to us, if you witness or experience any behaviours that make you or others feel harassed, intimidated, discriminated against, or excluded.
Anyone found to be behaving in breach of our Code of Conduct will be removed from the conference and the matter will be fully investigated.
We operate a zero-tolerance policy when it comes to inappropriate conduct and encourage complaints to be raised to CTSI staff and EDI representatives.
This is a conference for all, let’s make it one that everyone can enjoy.
If you have any concerns about this type of behaviour, please email our confidential mailbox at [email protected]. We will also have designated members of staff available to talk to at the conference.