New Homes Ombudsman Service
Contact details
20 Maylands Avenue
Maylands Building, First Floor, West Wing Hemel Hempstead, HP2 7TG
United Kingdom
Contact information
Email address: [email protected]
Phone: 0330 808 4286
Type or sector of disputes
The entity is competent for disputes in the following sector
Financial Services - Other
- Support, research and intermediary services
The entity is competent for disputes against traders established in
- United Kingdom
No fees have to be paid by the consumer
No fees have to be paid by the trader
The entity is handling the procedure in the following languages:
- English
Average length of the procedure (in days or months)
The procedure has an average length of 57 day(s)
Conduct of the procedure
The procedure is done: in writing
The entity does not require the physical presence of the parties and/or of their representative
Outcome of the procedure
The procedure is binding
Grounds for refusal
- Dealing with the dispute will seriously affect the functioning of the dispute resolution body
- The consumer did not attempt to contact the trader first to try and resolve the matter bilaterally
- The dispute is frivolous or vexatious
- The complaint is being or has previously been considered by another dispute resolution body or by a court
- The consumer has not submitted the complaint to the dispute resolution body within the required time limit