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Contact Trading Standards

Contact Trading Standards

Need to get in touch with your Local Trading Standards office or department? Enter your postcode to see their details.

The Approved Code Scheme

The Approved Code Scheme

Companies signed-up to CTSI's Approved Code Scheme (ACS) put customer care at the heart of their business.

Problems Buying Abroad?

Problems Buying Abroad?

If you have an issue buying goods or services from abroad - or when on holiday - the UKICC provides free help and advice.

Problems buying in the UK?

Problems buying in the UK?

If you need help when buying goods or services from a UK-based company - call for free advice and support.

If you’re a UK consumer looking for advice on a Problem Purchase - from a company based in the UK or abroad - need the contact details of your Local Trading Standards Office, want to find a Trustworthy Business, or learn more about UK Consumer Protection, the information here should help. 


Find Your Local Trading Standards Office

PLEASE NOTE : In many areas of the UK, Trading Standards resources are now increasingly limited as a result of funding cutbacks. So, please respect the time and expertise of the staff you contact – and do what you can to help them help you and other vulnerable members of your local community. Thank you.

Need Help with a Problem Purchase?

> From a business based here, in the UK

If you've experienced problems buying from a shop, dealing with a trader or doing business with any other company based in the UK, click here

> From a business based abroad

If you've had issues with flights or holidays booked with a non-UK provider, purchased items from an online retailer based abroad, or if you want advice on what to look out for when dealing with companies based outside of the UK, click here

The Approved Code Scheme

The CTSI's Approved Code Scheme has over 45,000 businesses, that work with our Code Sponsors to make sure they are giving you the highest standard of service. As a consumer, this gives you extra peace-of-mind by guaranteeing exceptional customer service, no 'hard-sell' tactics and the very best after-sales service.

Find out more about the Approved Code Scheme

Find an Approved Code business 

Other Consumer Information

As the national body, representing the UK’s Trading Standards profession, the Chartered Trading Standards Institute (CTSI) operates at the heart of what can seem like a dauntingly complex and confusing array of organisations all dedicated to helping UK consumers. While we can't provide direct consumer advice ourselves, our aim is to point you in the direction of those who can (many of whom are our members or are affiliated organisations). Please let us know if there’s anything you think we should add or expand on: contact the CTSI Consumer Hub


Purchased from a UK-Based Company?

If you have a problem with something bought from a company based in the UK, you should report the matter to one of the following organisations (depending on where you live):

Depending on the individual case, the service may direct you to a local consumer service (such as your local Citizen’s Advice branch) or report this matter to your Local Trading Standards Team to investigate further. Phone lines are open during normal office hours but please check the relevant website for details and call charges.

Northern Ireland: Consumerline

Call: 0300 123 6262

Click here to send an Online Message


Purchased from a Non-UK Based Company?

  • Had a problem with a business based outside the UK (e.g. an online retailer located in an EU country or elsewhere in the world)?
  • Had a problem with something you brought whilst abroad
  • Had a problem with a flight or holiday booked with a business outside the UK?
  • Thinking of buying from abroad and want help avoiding any problems?

The UK International Consumer Centre (UKICC) offers FREE advice and support to UK consumers who have a problem with a business based in another country.

The UKICC is based in the UK, and its friendly advisers can usually be contacted by phone or email. Unfortunately, due to the build-up of a significant backlog, the telephone service is currently suspended, and the team can only be reached by email or through its website at www.ukecc.net. Please also be aware that because of the backlog of cases, there can be some delay in getting back to you, but the team will do its best to make the process as quick as it can. More information is available at www.ukecc.net

What is the UKICC and how can it help?

  • They can provide legal and practical advice to help resolve your problem.
  • They have relationships with many partner organisations outside the UK. And, where our advice has not been enough to resolve an issue, in some instances, we may be able to provide further support up to and including contacting the trader on your behalf.
  • They can also give advice on how to avoid a problem when buying from abroad.


UK Consumer Organisations

There are many organisations dedicated to helping British consumers, promoting good business practices, and enforcing trading standards. If you encounter issues with something you have purchased, in this country or abroad, they should be able to help.

Citizen’s Advice

Citizen’s Advice caters to people in England and Wales. They provide a wealth of useful information and advice on their website, and also run the Citizen’s Advice Consumer Helpline on 0808 223 1133 – where trained advisers can give you advice over the phone, or via their Online Form. It's worth remembering that Citizen's Advice staff are often volunteers - either members of the public with a particular interest in Consumer Protection, or professionals giving their time for free. Generally, the best results come from being patient and helping them to help you.

Consumer Advice Scotland

Consumer Advice Scotland is funded by the Scottish Government. You can access their range of services by calling 0808 800 9060, or using the live chat service on their website.

Consumerline (NI)

Consumerline is a one-stop-shop, offering free consumer help and advice to people based in Northern Ireland. Consumerline helps consumers avoid scams, dodgy deals, to make a complaint and stay informed with consumer law in Northern Ireland.

UK International Consumer Centre (UKICC)

The UKICC helps consumers when they have experienced issues purchasing goods and services from abroad (where the company is based outside the UK). Their service is similar to Citizen's Advice but for British consumers who have made a purchase abroad and, having encountered problems, don't know where to turn. 


Consumer rights is a division of Which? and provides up-to-date information on your consumer rights and offers a wealth of solutions to consumers' problems.

Age UK

Age UK offers specific support to elderly people and their carers/relatives. They provide a free advice line on 0800 678 1602 (lines are open 8am-7pm, 365 days a year). They also have specialist advisers at a number of local Age UK branches - check their website for details.


CTSI’s Role in UK Consumer Protection

Protecting consumers sits at the very heart of CTSI’s work. In addition to being the professional body representing British trading standards professionals, we run a number of national programmes and initiatives aimed at advising, supporting and protecting consumers.

  • Trading Standards Professionals
  • UK International Consumer Centre (UKICC)
  • The Approved Code Scheme (ACS)
  • Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR)

Trading Standards Professionals

Founded in 1881, CTSI is the official membership body for trading standards professionals in the UK.  Trading Standards has a critical role to play in protecting consumers and preventing harms. This might be to ensure consumers pay a fair price and get value for money for the goods and services they buy. It might involve protecting consumers from criminal activities such as scams, rogue traders and doorstep crime. Or it might be to help ensure that the products consumers buy, from food to electrical goods, are safe.

UK International Consumer Centre (UKICC)

The UKICC provides free advice and assistance to UK residents who have problems with anything they have bought from companies based outside the UK. The UKICC works with partner organisations in various other countries, to ensure UK consumers are empowered with the knowledge they need in order to resolve problems with a company. In some instances, these partnerships enable the UKICC to make contact with the company on behalf of the consumer. This can be helpful whenever the parties have been unable to reach an amicable solution

For further detail around our process and the advice we provide, including mediation, or to speak to one of our legally trained advisors, please check our UKICC resources.

The Approved Code Scheme

CTSI operates the Approved Code Scheme (formerly, the Consumer Codes Scheme or CCAS). This was set up to guarantee high standards of customer care and added levels of protection from member traders. Any business - that falls in one of the categories covered by the scheme - can apply to join the scheme. Customers are reassured when buying from Approved Code businesses that they have additional protection for their purchases and have access to clear procedures to resolve any complaints.


Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR): Resolving Disputes through Mediation

Consumers can use something called Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) to resolve disputes they may have with a business or trader. ADR is about trying to avoid legal action and going through the courts by mediating between both parties and trying to resolve things amicably. It is a voluntary process and parties can still choose to take further court action if they do not reach a solution through ADR. There are various types of ADR processes and depending on size, complexity and value of claim; parties can decide to use whichever of the available methods would most effectively resolve the dispute. 

If you would like to use an ADR body to resolve your complaint you should first ask the trader for details of an approved ADR body and whether they are willing to use them to resolve your complaint. For more advice on accessing ADR, if your complaint is with a trader in the UK contact the Citizens Advice Consumer Service on 0808 223 1133

Outside of regulated sectors (finance, telecoms and energy) the ADR Scheme is voluntary, although if the company you are dealing with is a member of one of the following trade associations you may be able to use ADR.

Find out more here

Product Recalls

Product recalls and safety notices are issued when it has been found that a product may have a safety issue or defect which could potentially be dangerous. Businesses who would like to display product recall or safety notices on this page should email [email protected] If you wish to publish such information, it is recommended that you contact your local trading standards service for advice before sending the notice to us.

The latest European Safety Gate notifications are available on the Europa website. Vehicle recall notices can be found on the GOV.UK website.

Product Recalls and Safety Notices

Take a look at the most recent products that have been recalled.

Find out more

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Company no. RC000879

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