Corporate Affiliate Membership
Corporate Affiliate Membership (CAM) is for businesses that promote good business practices, are genuinely customer focused and support the aims of CTSI. Corporate Affiliates have a chance to share in our brand equity and publicly display their commitment to our values and fair-trading principles.
Working with Business
CTSI aims are to support, assist, inform and educate businesses and staff involved with regulatory compliance, fair trading practices, consumer protection and more broadly aiming to contribute to economic, environmental, health and social well-being. We welcome all businesses, from individuals and small traders, to large national and international enterprises.
Value of Corporate Affiliate Membership to your Business
- Enhances your business reputation and performance
- Raises your profile and promotes your company values within your industry and market sectors
- Promotes additional levels of customer confidence as a champion of fair trading
- Provides the opportunity to participate in responses to CTSI consultation documents
Corporate Affiliate Membership benefits include:
- Use of the CTSI Corporate Affiliate member logo (terms and conditions apply)
- A free full delegate pass to CTSI's Annual Conference
- Access to our online digital content via Journal of Trading Standards and our bi-annual flagship magazine of the same name
- Discounted CTSI Conference exhibitor and seminar session rates, advertising in the event guide, sponsorship opportunities and much more
- 20% on advertising rates in any of our publications including the Journal of Trading Standards news website and printed publication
- discounted delegate rates for all training courses and e-learning products delivering knowledge and education to businesses and staff, enabling you protect your business interests and reputation, ensure compliance with trading regulations and protect the interests of your customers and consumers
- up to 20% discount on Dell computers and accessories and access to highly trained small business technology advisors to help members with free advice to grow their business.
- 25% off luxury bouquets at Appleyard Flowers
Click to visit the Corporate Affiliate Members' Directory