CTSI Events
CTSI has experience in organising a wide range of events at a variety of differing venues and locations. CTSI Events run various events throughout the year, both in-house and under contract to outside bodies. Our events include training days, conferences, seminars, round tables, telephone tutorials, meetings and examinations.
Through the experience of our team, we can offer support, knowledge and experience. CTSI Events are happy to assist to create a project plan; devise a strategic programme; source venues; event logistics; design and print event material; delegate badging and tracking – the list is endless.
Through our Annual Conference, CTSI Events currently promote the market by providing opportunities for members to showcase their expertise. We provide platforms where you can meet trading standards professionals and have the opportunity to educate and learn new skills, gain more knowledge and to hear about best practice.
CTSI Events are pleased to offer a comprehensive and diverse programme of events for both business, central and local government. Got a question? Read our FAQs here.
Our annual Conference for 2024 will take place in Leeds from 18-20 June.
Celebrating people who make outstanding contributions towards consumer protection