The CTSP status is a personal recognition of an individual’s professional standard by their Institute and peers.
Why is CTSP status needed?
CTSP status was the first step in long term plans developed by CTSI to ensure the continuation and development of trading standards collectively and for the benefit of individuals.
- Chartered and Chartered Member status – the Privy Council, has now granted the Institute its Royal Charter. Allowing Practitioners to become Chartered members of the Institute
- local authorities & recruitment – CTSP gives clarity to local authorities as well as individuals. Reinforces the need for continual development both personally and professionally
- recognition in legislation – ensuring a consistent and clear understanding for recognition of professional status in statutes
- recognition in EU - to gain EU recognition for our professional status and qualifications
- transparency for business – clarifying the competencies and qualifications of trading standards practitioners who inspect businesses
- professional body – recognition with your professional body, bringing in line with other professional bodies