Decimation of Trading Standards services leaving older people wide open to risk of fraud
Posted 09/03/18

CTSI Response:
"The Age UK report, Applying the Brakes, has highlighted that trading standards resources have fallen to dangerous levels, a concern previously raised by the Chartered Trading Standards Institute (CTSI). Local authorities strive to protect consumers but it is inevitable that systemic cuts will cause vulnerable groups to slip through the cracks.
The impending Consumer Green Paper from the Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy must act on this resource shortfall to ensure local authorities can continue to protect consumers."
Age UK Release:
Dramatic cuts in Trading Standards budgets since 2010 are leaving millions of older people at greater risk of becoming victims of fraud, according to a new policy report by Age UK.
In Applying the Brakes, its new report published today, Age UK warns that a 50 per cent cut in Trading Standards budgets over the last seven years – rising to over 60 per cent in some areas[i] – has undermined the ability of local authorities to tackle scams among older people. And with the latest crime figures showing that people are now five times more likely to be targeted by a fraudster than a burglar[ii], the Charity is calling on the Government to ensure that all local authorities have the resources needed to meet their safeguarding duties under the Care Act.[iii]
Trading Standards services have a key role to play in tackling fraud yet severe budget cuts are damaging their ability to act according to Age UK – with many spending little more than the price of a latte, per head, per year.[iv] A 56 per cent reduction in Trading Standards officers from 2009 – 2016 have left some services with just one qualified officer to cover the entire area,[v] forcing some to stop tackling doorstep crimes or providing consumer advice altogether.
The Charity is warning that if the Government wants to make tackling fraud a real priority it must ensure Trading Standards services have the resources they need. Official figures show that 3.2million cases of fraud occurred in the year to September 2017,[vi] and Age UK’s own research has found that more than two-fifths (43%) of older people – almost five million over-65s[vii] – believe they have been targeted by scammers.
Drawing on the many and varied experiences of older people and their families gathered through Age UK’s services and research as well as collating the existing data on scams, Applying the Brakes sets out a vision of a safer future through recommendations for banks, police forces, local authorities and the Government.
Age UK is also calling on all banks to take immediate and strong action to prevent scams. The Charity wants banks to radically improve their security systems to prevent fraud, including better identification of customers at risk and suspicious transactions; to bear a greater level of liability for losses where the customer has been misled into authorising a payment; and to provide extra protection to customers in vulnerable circumstances such as those living with dementia.
Through the report, Age UK is calling on the Home Office to make fraud a strategic policing priority and ensure police forces have adequate resources, incentives and guidance, and hold them accountable for action.
And while acknowledging the impossibility of eradicating fraud completely, the Charity wants the Government to be alert to the potential for fraud arising from policy change, such as the recently introduced Open Banking initiative. Reforms to private pensions (‘freedom and choice’), for example, have been followed by an increase in pension fraud – pension scam victims lost £8.6m in March last year, a record monthly high.[viii] Raising public awareness of pension and investment fraud is important but not enough by itself – prompt policy changes are also needed to help pension providers prevent fraud taking place, including a ban on pensions cold calls.
Although anyone can be scammed, Age UK is warning that older people – particularly those who live alone or with cognitive impairment – are at greater risk of being targeted by some types of scams. Common scams affecting older people are often offline and include postal scams, pensions and investment fraud, phone scams and cold calls, as well as online scams including email and online dating scams. Financial losses are common, but being scammed can also seriously affect people’s quality of life and wellbeing.
Many people experience a deep sense of shame, embarrassment, depression, social isolation and a decline in physical health, with some even losing their independence following a scam. Some older people lose their life savings, decimating their retirement income, while those defrauded in their own homes are more likely either to die or go into residential care within a year.[ix]
Caroline Abrahams, Charity Director at Age UK, said: “However tough our laws are to prevent and combat fraud, they are pretty toothless if the staff just aren’t there to enforce them. Local Trading Standards officers have been cut back to the bone in many areas as councils struggle with big Government funding cuts, and the end result is that fraudsters have far more freedom to operate than would otherwise be the case. The whole population is at greater risk of being scammed as a result, but older people more than most, as they are especially likely to be targeted by these despicable crimes.
“It’s not just that there aren’t anything like enough Trading Standards officers, the Police aren’t consistently able to give fraud the priority it deserves either. Unless and until we see changes on both these fronts, older people will be far more open to the risk of fraud than any of us like.
“In addition it’s clear that banks must not only act quickly to trace and return money transferred in a scam, but also do much more to find new ways to prevent scams in the first place. The Payments Regulator’s development of a model for reimbursing victims of payment fraud, in collaboration with the banking industry, is welcome but it’s important this does not place unfair or unrealistic expectations on consumers.
“We know that scams can have a devastating emotional and financial impact on older victims, seriously damaging their quality of life and wellbeing. Government, councils, trading standards, police forces and banks all have a part to play in working together to stop these appalling crimes.”
Age UK offers free information and advice for anyone who is worried about being scammed, including free guides Avoiding scams, Staying safe and Internet security among others. For further information visit contact Age UK Advice on Freephone 0800 169 65 65.
Published on behalf of Age UK
Notes to editors
- Age UK’s new policy report Applying the Brakes is available to download from its website:
- For more information on the policy report, or any other information regarding scams and older people, please contact the Age UK media team on 020 3033 1430 or [email protected].
- To help combat the rise of scams and online fraud affecting older people, Age UK has launched a brand new scams prevention and victim support pilot programme in partnership with Action Fraud and funded by City Bridge Trust, the City of London Corporation’s charitable funder.
The new programme will initially be piloted in London with the aim of creating a prevention model that can be rolled out nationally. The programme aims to support older victims, and raise awareness of scams more widely to help empower older people to feel more confident at spotting and avoiding scams. Running over a 12 month period across six London boroughs[x], the programme includes three core elements: awareness raising sessions for an audience of older people, friends and family; one to one sessions for older people who are vulnerable and at risk of scams; and specialist one to one support sessions for older victims.
For more information please contact the Age UK media team, as above.
- Last year, Age UK helped over five million older people with information and advice on a broad range of issues such as claiming benefits, housing options, paying for care and support, staying healthy, and making the most of the internet.
[i] Source:
[ii] ONS, Crime in England and Wales: year ending September 2017, pub: 25 January 2018.
[iii] Local authorities have a vital role in supporting and protecting fraud victims, with a legal duty to keep vulnerable adults safe from financial abuse and powers to take enforcement action against fraudsters.
[iv] Source: On p.7 the CTSI highlights that across the UK, the average spend per-head was £1.87.
[v] Source: National Audit Office (NAO)
[vii] Kantar TNS Research Express polling for Age UK, June/ July 2017 – sample of 1,367 people aged 65+ in GB. Actual number (extrapolated): 4,945,000
[viii] Figure from City of London Police, as reported by FT Advisor:
[ix] National Trading Standards Scams Team
[x] The programme involves four Age UKs working across six London boroughs: Age UK Barnet, Age UK Enfield (working in partnership with Age UK Waltham Forest covering two boroughs), Age UK Lewisham and Southwark (covering two boroughs), and Age UK Richmond.
Age UK
Age UK is a national charity that works with a network of partners, including Age Scotland, Age Cymru, Age NI and local Age UKs across England, to help everyone make the most of later life, whatever their circumstances.
In the UK, the Charity helps more than seven million older people each year by providing advice and support. It also researches and campaigns on the issues that matter most to older people. Its work focuses on ensuring that older people: have enough money; enjoy life and feel well; receive high quality health and care; are comfortable, safe and secure at home; and feel valued and able to participate
Age UK’s subsidiary charity, Age International, supports older people globally in over 30 developing countries by funding programmes such as vital emergency relief and healthcare and campaigning to raise awareness and change policies.
Age UK is a charitable company limited by guarantee and registered in England (registered charity number 1128267 and registered company number 6825798). Charitable services are provided through Age UK and commercial products are offered by the Charity’s Community Interest Company (CiC) (registered company number 1102972) which donates its net profits to Age UK (the Charity).